4:1 Behavior Management System®

4:1 Behavior Management System®

Product History and Role

I have worked on developing the 4:1 Behavior Management System® (a web-based application) since 2014. The original application was built primarily for staff working with adult populations in the field. I worked with external stakeholders to create a customized version of the software to assist staff working with youth populations inside facilities.  As well as implement a statewide system that serves adult and juvenile populations in community and facility settings.

In addition, I helped expand the reporting section to include a robust reporting suite to assist management and staff gain insights into their use of the system and into their implementation of evidence-based practice.

I have been involved in many aspects of product development for the 4:1 Behavior Management System®, including:

  • Worked with external stakeholders to create custom modules
  • Designing user interfaces
  • QA testing
  • Product documentation and customer support
  • Product demos
  • Customer onboarding
  • Product marketing

Watch a video I scripted, animated, and produced highlighting the features of the 4:1 Behavior Management System®.
